The Hidden Language of Computer Hardware and Software
2nd Edition


This website provides interactive illustrations of many of the more significant circuits from the book Code: The Hidden Language of Computer Hardware and Software, 2nd edition, by Charles Petzold, published by Pearson Education on August 7, 2022.

Code book cover

It is intended that this website be used in conjunction with the book, and that is why the website does not describe the circuits in detail. For a deeper, richer, and more rewarding dive, get the book.

Nevertheless, this website is free. There is no paywall. There are no advertisements except for the book itself. There are no popups. This website does not using cookies. It does not track you or attempt to obtain private information.

All the interactive graphical animations are written in pure JavaScript using the HTML5 canvas element. If you encounter some bugs (or have some suggestions) let me know at But if you encounter serious problems with the graphics, your web browser might be at fault. (Perhaps it's time to move on from Internet Explorer.)

You can order the book directly from the publisher through the Microsoft Press Store or from most online bookstores:

The Microsoft Press Store has a current list of errata found in the book after publication.